Discussed large eigenvalues in the projection method when using LOI.
This page lists the references for my Thesis. It's mostly just so I can copy them into the presentation slideshow.
This article outlines the RBF Orthogonal Gradients method for solving approximating surface operators as described in [1].
This is to test the functionality of plotly in the context of sharing scientific data.
This webpage shows the updated convergence plots for the Tangent Plane Method, Iterated RBF-FD, and Hermite RBF-FD.
This article defines radial basis fuctions (RBFs), describes several types of RBF, and discusses their motivation and applications.
This experiment will test forward and backward Euler time-stepping. We will verify the order of the error.
It has been obsereved that when using iterated differentiation to solve the problem $\Delta_\SS u = -20Y_{4,-3}$ on the unit sphere, if the degree of the basis terms is 5 (i.e. one higher than the degree of the forcing function) then the error is independent of the choice of RBF. We attempt to explain this behavior.
This experiment will set up code to quickly test many variations of RBF-FD on $\SS^2$. We will test many aspects of RBF-FD in this circumstance including how the number of polynomial/spherical harmonic terms affect stability and convergence rates for PHS RBFs and infinitely-differentiable RBFs.