$\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\left\lVert#1\right\rVert} \newcommand{\sint}{\text{s}\kern-5pt\int} \newcommand{\powerset}{\mathcal{P}} \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\NN}{\mathbb{N}} \newcommand{\QQ}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\ZZ}{\mathbb{Z}} \newcommand{\CC}{\mathbb{C}} \newcommand{\SS}{\mathbb{S}} \newcommand{\MM}{\mathbb{M}} \newcommand{\LL}{\mathcal{L}} \renewcommand{\Re}{\operatorname{Re}} \renewcommand{\Im}{\operatorname{Im}} \renewcommand{\vec}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}$

Thursday April 20th, 2019
Attendees: Grady, Andrew, and Sage
Sat Apr 20 20:59:15 2019

Discussed large eigenvalues in the projection method when using LOI.

  1. Sage's Tasks
    1. Code
    2. Writing
  2. Large Eigenvalues
  3. Meeting Followup
  4. References

Sage's Tasks



Large Eigenvalues

The following table shows the real parts of the eigenvalue with largest real part for the finite difference matrices generated by each method. The surface was the sphere, the point sets were the spiral nodes (my implementation, which yeilds different points than the SpherePts implementation). The stencil size was 100 points, the SVD tolerance and LOI tolerance were each 1e-12. The RBF was the 10th degree PHS.

deg = 2

TPM Proj-LOI Hermite Proj-SVD
2000 -1.11861E-13 -7.34968E-14 -8.97060E-14 4.40402E-12
4000 2.73894E-13 5.49425E+03 -4.71225E-13 -1.59098E-10
8000 -1.40109E-13 2.72130E-14 -1.88455E-13 -1.26133E-09
16000 2.66574E-13 -2.25597E-13 -1.03028E-12 1.12420E-09

deg = 3

TPM Proj-LOI Hermite Proj-SVD
2000 1.34143E-13 4.81706E-14 -4.02254E-14 1.41685E-11
4000 -1.16327E-13 -1.60050E-13 -1.38820E-13 -2.66511E-10
8000 -2.62410E-13 -1.92069E-13 -3.60526E-13 -5.58063E-10
16000 1.06928E-13 5.30727E+04 8.32907E-13 1.95616E-09

deg = 4

TPM Proj-LOI Hermite Proj-SVD
2000 -1.54670E-13 2.74753E-14 1.05127E+03 3.58774E+04
4000 1.68937E-13 -1.15904E-14 3.97904E-13 -7.48135E-10
8000 -1.33913E-13 1.18622E-13 9.67115E-14 3.93966E-08
16000 -1.32622E-12 -5.12570E-14 -8.31335E-13 4.02871E-08

deg = 5

TPM Proj-LOI Hermite Proj-SVD
2000 -2.04674E-14 8.61533E-14 6.84410E-14 9.78416E-09
4000 -2.46142E-13 -1.61575E-13 5.01099E-14 1.44964E-08
8000 3.47409E-13 9.24960E+04 7.81597E-14 -1.05611E-08
16000 -1.17231E-13 4.14012E+06 3.38719E-10 -1.57737E-08

The following table shows the same, but for the minimum energy nodes.

LOI tolerance: 1e-12

deg = 2

TPM Proj-LOI Hermite Proj-SVD
2000 3.78482E-14 2.45898E-14 -2.25576E-13 1.71565E-11
4000 -3.41548E-14 4.13313E+03 -2.74660E-13 1.62625E-10
7921 1.82763E-13 -8.27243E-15 1.07195E-16 3.75277E+01
16384 -6.93451E-14 4.26602E+05 -2.21361E-13 2.53941E-09

deg = 3

TPM Proj-LOI Hermite Proj-SVD
2000 4.44200E-14 1.02301E-14 -1.71611E-14 3.62219E-11
4000 -1.09144E-13 1.45141E-13 4.57109E-14 3.78532E-10
7921 -4.29638E-14 6.78498E-14 2.04503E-13 1.11148E-09
16384 -1.41131E-12 3.12246E+04 -2.77274E-13 -4.73564E-08

deg = 4

TPM Proj-LOI Hermite Proj-SVD
2000 -6.23868E-14 -4.83480E-15 2.23195E-13 7.13818E+04
4000 2.36222E-14 1.10884E-13 1.14815E-13 1.91252E-09
7921 1.86528E-13 7.30597E-14 2.60988E-13 8.45011E-08
16384 -1.24131E-12 1.62978E-12 -2.23821E-13 1.02253E-07

deg = 5

TPM Proj-LOI Hermite Proj-SVD
2000 -6.07371E-14 4.49265E-14 -2.73363E-14 1.28433E-09
4000 1.12428E-13 2.47735E+07 4.68958E-13 -6.31353E-09
7921 1.58929E-13 4.53077E+06 2.22477E-13 -7.75160E-09
16384 3.32588E-13 2.11288E+03 -1.62150E-11 -6.67094E-09

LOI tolerance: 1e-6

deg = 2

TPM Proj-LOI Hermite Proj-SVD
2000 -1.32998E-13 -7.53363E-15 -5.87975E-14 1.71645E-11
4000 -3.18564E-14 4.13313E+03 7.48433E-14 1.62819E-10
7921 -4.00711E-14 -1.43731E-13 -8.32070E-14 3.75277E+01
16384 -8.95912E-13 4.26602E+05 -4.74586E-13 2.53920E-09

deg = 3

TPM Proj-LOI Hermite Proj-SVD
2000 3.43228E-15 -3.00376E-14 8.73213E-14 3.62578E-11
4000 1.61685E-14 2.15058E-13 -1.30039E-13 3.78507E-10
7921 -1.03080E-13 2.62373E-13 -5.95711E-13 1.11152E-09
16384 -3.14237E-13 3.12246E+04 -6.02410E-13 -4.73562E-08

deg = 4

TPM Proj-LOI Hermite Proj-SVD
2000 -3.65028E-13 -4.94107E-14 1.04112E-12 7.13818E+04
4000 -1.85860E-15 6.88688E-14 -2.29123E-13 1.91254E-09
7921 -1.10850E-13 -9.83608E-14 -7.65318E-14 8.45011E-08
16384 2.33565E-13 -2.71683E-13 4.33431E-13 1.02253E-07

deg = 5

TPM Proj-LOI Hermite Proj-SVD
2000 6.85859E-14 8.01145E-14 1.00073E-13 1.28428E-09
4000 -9.47916E-14 4.06090E-14 -2.08264E-13 -6.31361E-09
7921 -3.37002E-13 1.48758E-13 -6.75016E-14 -7.75189E-09
16384 -5.28041E-13 1.50207E-13 -1.70139E-11 -6.67057E-09


I also ran 16,384 points using an LOI tolerance of 1e-3 where $\Re(\lambda_1) = 4.940E+05$. Sadly it seems that raising the LOI tolerance doesn't correct all of the bad eigenvalues.

Meeting Followup
