In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from IPython.display import HTML

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
from scipy.integrate import RK45

import sympy as sym

from table_maker import *
from functools import partial
from itertools import *
from math import ceil

def cos_bell(x, center=0, width=2*np.pi, height=1):
    return (np.cos((x-center)/width*2*np.pi)+1)/2*height * np.heaviside(x-center+width/2,0) * np.heaviside(-x+center+width/2,0)
In [2]:
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 24})

From Kilpatrick and Bressloff 2010 $$\begin{align*} \mu u_t &= -u + \int_{-\infty}^\infty w(x,x^\prime) q(x^\prime,t) f( u(x^\prime,t) - a(x^\prime,t)) \ dx^\prime \\ q_t &= \frac{1 - q}{\alpha} - \beta q f(u - a) \\ \epsilon a_t &= -a + \gamma f(u - a) \end{align*}$$

Modified version - remove synaptic depression $q$ $$\begin{align*} \mu u_t &= -u + \int_{-\infty}^\infty w(x,x^\prime) f( u(x^\prime,t) - a(x^\prime,t)) \ dx^\prime \\ \alpha a_t &= -a + \gamma f(u - a) \end{align*}$$ (note that parameters have been relabeled)

Traveling Pulse

In [40]:
# Parameters ##################################

θ = .1
α = 5
γ = 1
μ = 1

def firing_rate(u):
    return np.heaviside(u-θ, .5)

def w(x,y):
    return .5*np.exp( - np.abs( np.subtract.outer(x, y) ) )

# Simulation parameters #######################

# space
a, b = -100, 300
n = 10**3 * 1
xs = np.linspace(a,b,n)

# time
t0 = 0
t_final = 50
k = 1e-2

# initial conditions

# test 1
u0 = np.zeros((2,n))
u0[0] = cos_bell(xs, center=0, width=50)

# Time integrator

def RK4_step(F, t, u, dt):
    k1 = F(t,u)
    k2 = F(t+dt/2, u + dt/2*k1)
    k3 = F(t+dt/2, u + dt/2*k2)
    k4 = F(t+dt, u + dt*k3)
    return u + dt/6*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)

def F(t,u):
    temp = firing_rate(u[0] - u[1])
    ret = np.array([
        1/μ * (-u[0] + M@(temp)),
        (-u[1] + γ*temp)/α
    return ret

# Simulation ##################################

h = xs[1]-xs[0]
M = w(xs, xs) * h

steps = int(np.ceil( (t_final - t0)/k ))
k = (t_final - t0)/steps

us = [u0]
ts = [t0]

for step in range(steps):
    ts += [ts[-1] + k]
    us += [ RK4_step(F, ts[-1], us[-1], k) ]
    print('step %d/%d' % (step,steps), end='\r')
js = [ us[i][0]-us[i][1] for i in range(steps+1) ]
step 4999/5000
In [41]:
# approximate pulse-width and speed
width = ( np.sum(js[-1]>=θ) - 1 )*h # number of intervals above θ
speed_t0, speed_tf = 20, 40
speed_t0_index, speed_tf_index = [int(t/k) for t in [speed_t0, speed_tf]]
pulse_start = np.max(xs[us[speed_t0_index][0]>θ])
pulse_stop = np.max(xs[us[speed_tf_index][0]>θ])
speed = (pulse_stop - pulse_start)/(ts[speed_tf_index] - ts[speed_t0_index])
print('Width: %g' % width)
print('Speed: %g' % speed)
import pickle
params = (width, speed, γ, α, θ)
pickle.dump(params,  open('parameters.pickle', 'wb'))
Width: 32.8328
Speed: 3.92392
In [4]:
# Animation ###################################

stride = 20

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(12,12))
line_u, = axes[0].plot(xs, us[0][0], 'b-', label="$u$")
line_a, = axes[0].plot(xs, us[0][1], 'm-', label="$a$")

line_j, = axes[1].plot(xs, js[0], 'g-', label="$j=u-a$")
axes[1].plot(xs, θ + 0*xs, 'k--', label='$\\theta$')

y_min = np.min(us)
y_max = np.max(us)
y_min -= .05*np.abs(y_max - y_min)
y_max += .05*np.abs(y_max - y_min)
window = y_min, y_max

y_min = np.min(js)
y_max = np.max(js)
y_min -= .05*np.abs(y_max - y_min)
y_max += .05*np.abs(y_max - y_min)
window = y_min, y_max

for ax in axes:

    ax.set_xlim(-50, b)
    # ax.set_xlim(a,b)

Δ = -np.log(1 - 4*θ)
plt.plot([150, 150+Δ], [θ]*2, 'k--')

def animate(i):
    print('step %d/%d' % (i,len(ts)), end='\r')
    return line_u,

# Init only required for blitting to give a clean slate.
def init():
    return line_u,

anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, np.arange(0,len(ts),stride), init_func=init,
                              interval=1/24*1000, blit=True)

step 5000/5001

Colliding pulses

In [41]:
# Parameters ##################################

θ = .1
α = 5
γ = 1
μ = 1

def firing_rate(u):
    return np.heaviside(u-θ, .5)

def w(x,y):
    return .5*np.exp( - np.abs( np.subtract.outer(x, y) ) )

# Simulation parameters #######################

# space
a, b = -100, 600
n = 10**3 * 1
xs = np.linspace(a,b,n)

# time
t0 = 0
t_final = 100
k = 1e-2

# initial conditions

# test 1
u0 = np.zeros((2,n))
u0[0] = cos_bell(xs, center=0, width=50) + cos_bell(xs, center=500, width=50)

# Time integrator

def RK4_step(F, t, u, dt):
    k1 = F(t,u)
    k2 = F(t+dt/2, u + dt/2*k1)
    k3 = F(t+dt/2, u + dt/2*k2)
    k4 = F(t+dt, u + dt*k3)
    return u + dt/6*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)

def F(t,u):
    temp = firing_rate(u[0] - u[1])
    ret = np.array([
        1/μ * (-u[0] + M@(temp)),
        (-u[1] + γ*temp)/α
    return ret

# Simulation ##################################

h = xs[1]-xs[0]
M = w(xs, xs) * h

steps = int(np.ceil( (t_final - t0)/k ))
k = (t_final - t0)/steps

us = [u0]
ts = [t0]

for step in range(steps):
    ts += [ts[-1] + k]
    us += [ RK4_step(F, ts[-1], us[-1], k) ]
    print('step %d/%d' % (step,steps), end='\r')
step 9999/10000
In [42]:
# Animation ###################################

y_min = np.min(us)
y_max = np.max(us)
y_min -= .05*np.abs(y_max - y_min)
y_max += .05*np.abs(y_max - y_min)
window = y_min, y_max

stride = 30

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12,8))
line_u, = ax.plot(xs, us[0][0], 'b-', label="$u$")
line_a, = ax.plot(xs, us[0][1], 'm-', label="$a$")
ax.set_xlim(-50, 550)
# ax.set_xlim(a,b)

def animate(i):
    print('step %d/%d' % (i,len(ts)), end='\r')
    return line_u,

# Init only required for blitting to give a clean slate.
def init():
    return line_u,

anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, np.arange(0,len(ts),stride), init_func=init,
                              interval=1/24*1000, blit=True)

step 9990/10001