$\newcommand{vecx}{\vec{x}}$ $\newcommand{vecy}{\vec{y}}$

Radial Basis Function Methods for Neural Field Models

Sage Shaw - University of Colorado Boulder, USA

June 12th, 2024


Prof. Zack Kilpatrick

University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Prof. Daniele Avitabile

Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam


  • Motivating Research
    • Cortical Spreading Depression
    • Radial Basis Function Interpolation
  • Neural Field Model
  • Radial Basis Function Quadrature Formulae
  • Numerical Results
  • Next Steps

Motivating Research

Spreading Depression

Zandt, Haken, van Putten, and Dahlem (2015)

Scintillating Scotoma

Reaction Diffusion on surfaces

$$\begin{align*} u_t &= \underbrace{3u - u^3}_{\text{excitable}} - \underbrace{v}_{\text{recovery}} + \underbrace{D \Delta_{\mathcal{M}}u}_{\text{diffusion}} \\ \frac{1}{\varepsilon} v_t &= u + \beta + K \underbrace{\int_{\mathcal{M}} H(u) \ d \mu_{\mathcal{M}}}_{\text{neurovascular}} \end{align*}$$

  • Surface operators: $\Delta_{\mathcal{M}}, \int_{\mathcal{M}} \cdot d \mu_{\mathcal{M}}$
  • Curvature affects speed and stability of waves

Kneer, Scholl, Dahlem (2014)

Coupled neural field and diffusion equation

$$\begin{align*} v_t &= -v + w \ast s_p(v, k) + g_v \\ k_t &= \delta k_{xx} + g_k(s, s_p, a, b) + I \end{align*}$$
  • Neural field model
  • Coupled potassium concentration
  • Models both ignition and propagation of CSD

Baspinar et al. (2023)

A Turing Reaction Diffusion System

$$\begin{align*} u_t &= \delta_u \Delta_{\mathcal{M}} u + \alpha(1-\tau_1 v^2) + v(1-\tau_2 u)\\ v_t &= \delta_v \Delta_{\mathcal{M}} v + \beta(1-\frac{\alpha\tau_1}{\beta} uv) + u(\gamma-\tau_2 v)\\ \end{align*}$$

Radial Basis Funtion Interpolation

  • Function to approximate
  • Sample at scatterd nodes
  • $\phi_j(\vecx) = \Phi(||\vecx - \vecx_j||)$
  • $f(\vecx) \approx s(\vecx) = \sum_j c_j \phi_j(\vecx)$
  • $\text{Error} \to 0$ as $n \to \infty$

RBF Interpolation Properties

  • scattered nodes in any number of dimensions*
  • mesh-free*
  • arbitrary order of accuracy*
  • can be used to find
    • finite difference formulae
    • quadrature formulae

Neural Field Model

Neural Field Model

$\partial_t \color{blue}{u}(t, \vecx) = -\color{blue}{u} + \int_{\Omega} \color{green}{w}(\vecx, \vecy) \color{red}{f}[\color{blue}{u}(\vecy)] d \vecy$

Recreation of Coombes et al. (2012)

  • $\color{blue}{u}(t, \vecx)$ - Activity
  • $\color{green}{w}(\vecx, \vecy)$ - Connectivity kernel
  • $\color{red}{f}[\color{blue}{u}]$ - non-linear firing rate function

Projection Method (Avitabile 2023)

  • True Solution
  • Collocation
  • Projection
  • Error
    • Projection
    • Quadrature
    • Time Integration
  • $\text{Error} \sim \mathcal{O}(n^{-\text{order}/\text{dim}})$

Radial Basis Function Quadrature Formulae

RBF-QF Goal:

  • Given a set of points $\{\vecx_i\} \subset \Omega$
  • find weights $\{w_i\}$
  • such that $\int_\Omega f \approx \sum w_i \ f(\vecx_i)$

RBF-QF Algorithm

  • choose quadrature nodes
  • partition domain
  • choose stencils
  • integrate RBF interpolant
  • sum over stencil and elements

Experimental Results

Gaussian Test Functions

Gaussian Test Functions

Gaussian Test Functions

Quadrature Convergence

Testing manufactured solution


Next Steps

  • Adapt to surfaces.
  • Incorporate cortical spreading depression (CSD).
  • Study the effects of realistic cortical curvature on CSD wave generation and propagation.

Our Contributions

  • Neural Field Solver
    • High Order Accurate
    • Flexible Geometry
  • Simplifed Error Analysis
  • Adapt to Surfaces
  • Couple with CSD

Auxiliary Slides



The Kilpatrick Lab

Prof. Zack Kilpatrick

Dr. Tahra Eissa

Sage Shaw

Noah Parks

Will Magrogan

Retinotopic Map

Zandt, Haken, van Putten, and Dahlem (2015)

Reaction Diffusion Model

$$\begin{align*} u_t &= \underbrace{u - \frac{1}{3}u^3}_{\text{excitable}} - \underbrace{v}_{\text{recovery}} + \underbrace{D\nabla^2 u}_{\text{Diffusion}} \\ \frac{1}{\varepsilon} v_t &= u + \beta + \underbrace{K\int H(u) d \Omega}_{\substack{\text{neurovascular}\\\text{feedback}}} \end{align*}$$

Markus A. Dahlem (2013)