Math Bio Seminar
Sage Shaw - Aug 29th, 2023
Image courtesy of Heather Cihak.
Rapid firing depletes pre-synaptic resources.
\begin{align*} \tau_u \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\underbrace{u(x,t)}_{\text{Activity}} &= -u + \underbrace{\overbrace{w}^{\substack{\text{network}\\\text{connectivity}\\\text{kernel}}} \ast \big( q f[u] \big)}_{\substack{\text{network}\\\text{stimulation}}} \\ \tau_q \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\underbrace{q(x,t)}_{\substack{\text{Synaptic}\\\text{Efficacy}}} &= 1 - q - \underbrace{\beta}_{\substack{\text{rate of}\\\text{depletion}}} q \underbrace{f(u)}_{\substack{\text{firing-rate}\\\text{function}}} \end{align*}
$$ \theta = \frac{\gamma + c\tau_q\gamma}{2(1+c\tau_q\gamma)(1+c\tau_u)} $$
Two consistency equations for $c$ and $\Delta$.
substitute with the expansion $$ \begin{align*} u(\xi, t) &= U\big( \xi - \varepsilon \nu(t) \big) + \varepsilon \phi + \mathcal{O}(\varepsilon^2) \\ q(\xi, t) &= Q\big( \xi - \varepsilon \nu(t) \big) + \varepsilon \psi + \mathcal{O}(\varepsilon^2) \end{align*} $$
Collect the $\mathcal{O}(\varepsilon)$ terms
$$\begin{align*} \underbrace{\begin{bmatrix}\tau_u & 0 \\ 0 & \tau_q\end{bmatrix}}_{T} \begin{bmatrix}\phi \\ \psi \end{bmatrix}_t + \mathcal{L}\begin{bmatrix}\phi \\ \psi \end{bmatrix} &= \begin{bmatrix} I_u + \tau_u U' \nu' \\ I_q + \tau_q Q' \nu ' \end{bmatrix} \end{align*}$$ $$ \mathcal{L}(\vec{v}) = \vec{v} - cT \vec{v} + \begin{bmatrix} -w Q f'(U) * \cdot & -w f(U) * \cdot \\ \beta Q f'(U) & \beta f(U) \end{bmatrix} \vec{v} $$Bounded solutions exist if the inhomogeneity is orthogonal to $\mathcal{N}\{\mathcal{L^*}\}$. For $(v_1, v_2) \in \mathcal{N}\{\mathcal{L^*}\}$ $$\begin{align*} -c \tau_u v_1' &= v_1 - Qf'(U) \int w(y,\xi) v_1(y) \ dy + \beta Qf'(U) v_2 \\ -c \tau_q v_2' &= v_2 - f(U) \int w(y, \xi) v_1(y) \ dy + \beta f(U) v_2. \end{align*}$$
Asymptotic threshold
$$ \Delta_c \lt \varepsilon \frac{c\tau_u}{K}$$