Zhenpeng Ge and Quan-­Xing Liu - 2021

Foraging behaviours lead to spatiotemporal self-similar dynamics in grazing ecosystems

A summary by Sage Shaw

CSCI 5314


About Me

  • Program: applied math PhD
  • Old research: numerical PDEs
  • New research: computational neuroscience

Why CSCI 5314?

Plant growth and grazing behaviour

Bottom up model

Sheep eat grass
More sheep
shorter grass.

Top down model

Short grass attracts sheep
Shorter grass
more sheep

The PDE model


  • $p(\vec{x},t)$ - Plant density
  • $h(\vec{x},t)$ - Herbivore density
  • $v(p)$ - Herbivore speed


$$v(p) = \alpha p^2 + \beta p + 1$$

$$ p_t = \color{green}{\underbrace{\lambda p(1-p)}_{\text{logistic growth}}} - \color{magenta}{\underbrace{ph}_{\text{predation}}} + \color{lightblue}{\underbrace{\Delta p}_{\text{diffusive spreading}}} $$

$$ h_t = D_0\bigg( \nabla \cdot \color{yellow}{\underbrace{\nabla\big(\overbrace{v^2(p) h}^{\text{2D Brownian motion}} \big)}_{\text{herbivore flux}}} - \color{pink}{\underbrace{\kappa \Delta^2 h}_{\text{correction?}}} \bigg) $$

$\color{pink}{\text{correction}}$? - They cite Tailleur & Cates 2008

Sounds fishy... I think they just added hyper-viscocity to make the finite-differences work.


Turring Patters

Turring Patters

Parameter Exploration

Parameter Exploration


  • Impresive coupled model
  • You've seen qualitative validation
  • They also do some statistical spatiotemporal analysis of patch-size

"Our work suggests that scale-­dependent feedback can be coupled with phase-­separation systems for spatial self-­organization. The traditional view considers scale-dependent feedback and phase separation as two distinct principles that function separately in ecology."

Zhenpeng Ge and Quan-­Xing Liu - 2021


My code: https://tinyurl.com/2p8sz5tt