%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})
Given the function $f(x) = \sin(e^{10x})$ let's approximate $f'$ and $f''$ at a point $z$.
def foo(x):
#return np.sin(np.exp(3*x))
return np.sin(10*x)
def d_foo(x):
return 10*np.cos(10*x)
def d2_foo(x):
#return np.cos(np.exp(3*x)) * np.exp(3*x) * 3
return -100*np.sin(10*x)
z = .2 # calculate derivative at this point
zs = np.linspace(0,1,1000)
plt.plot(zs, foo(zs), 'b-')
plt.plot([z-5, z+5], [foo(z)-d_foo(z)*5, foo(z)+d_foo(z)*5], 'r-')
plt.plot(z, foo(z), 'ro')
plt.title('Tangent line at $x=%f$'%z)
def rbf(r, eps=1):
return np.exp(-(eps*r)**2)
def d_rbf_div_r(r, eps=1):
return -2*eps**2*np.exp(-(eps*r)**2)
def d2_rbf(r, eps=1):
return 2*eps**2*(2*eps**2*r**2 - 1)*np.exp(-eps**2*r**2)
N = 50
epsilon = 14
xs = np.linspace(0,1, N)
# we must ensure that we use the point z
# for simplicity let's just replace the closest point with it
index = np.argmin(np.abs(xs-z))
print('Replacing x=%.2f with x=%.2f' % (xs[index], z))
xs[index] = z
# approximate first derivative
A = rbf(np.abs(np.subtract.outer(xs,xs)), epsilon)
print('cond(A) = %g' % la.cond(A))
Lphis = d_rbf_div_r(np.abs(z-xs),epsilon) * (z-xs)
ws = la.solve(A, Lphis)
approx = np.dot(ws, foo(xs))
exact = d_foo(z)
print('First derivative error: \t%g' % (np.abs(approx-exact)/abs(exact)) )
# approximate second derivative
Lphis = d2_rbf(np.abs(z-xs),epsilon)
ws = la.solve(A, Lphis)
approx = np.dot(ws, foo(xs))
exact = d2_foo(z)
print('Seconed derivative error: \t%g' % (np.abs(approx-exact)/abs(exact)) )